I started a "Women on Weights" program at our local community center - lifting weights twice a week (plus cardio 4-5 times a week). Yep, just me and the fire men in the weight room...it's a tough gig but I've got to get my 'me' time in!
We've hit a major bump in the 'foster care' road this past week - more on that later, but it was bound to happen. I've discovered that there is support for any situation and I value my family, husband and friends even more during the lows!
Big D started cub scouts - I don't like it but I love him and I do enjoy seeing him get excited about the activities and badges. I'm not going to be a den mother though...so whoever makes those types of calls and requests, let it be known!
American Idol is back on and Lost has returned - can I hear a Woot Woot!
I have made a commitment to do more blogging - don't get all excited and hopeful about seeing something every week but I figure even once a month will be better than last year! I also am planning on 'slurping' last year's posts into a hard-bound book and calling it my journal. Whew! can get that monkey off my back and not have to worry that I'm a complete failure in the scrapbooking, family history, personal history, letter writing and journaling campaign! Seems 2009 is looking up!