Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted,"
or "forbidden" in the title.~From Scooby-Doo

Jan 28, 2008

Leave Your Winter Blahs - It's a Carnival!!!

Check it out! It's a Giveaway!

There is a Bloggy Giveaways Carnival and I have decided to participate. I spent lots of time (okay only about 30 minutes on and off while being interrupted by a 2 and 1/2 year old) trying to figure out what I would giveaway and decided to stay with my apron theme.

I will be giving away a Fabulous Friday Night Apron!

I have one already made up that is almost exactly like the one pictured above. (Check out the slide show for some of the other ones I made during the holidays.) I also have some great "Elvis" fabric and some adorable pink striped spring fabric that would look terrific made up into an apron. The winner can take their pick of the pre-made apron above or tell me what their favorite color combination or theme is and let me get to work.

I will take comments until Friday night at midnight (MST) and the winner will be drawn (from a knitted beanie) Saturday at 8am (MST) and posted shortly thereafter or as soon as we finish breakfast; whichever comes first.

Make sure to include your email address in your comment if it doesn't link directly to your blog or website so I have a way to contact the winner.

Happy contest giveaway perusing! And make sure to check out the bloggy carnival for lots more giveaways!!


1 – 200 of 294   Newer›   Newest»
Momala said...

I love aprons! count me in, Thanks!!!!

Brit said...

That has got to be the cutest apron ever! I love it! It's the perfect color too!

Anonymous said...

I love it!

*~hj~* said...

That is too cute! Than you for the great giveaway!

Sarah said...

It's adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.

saved by jen said...

please count me in.

Phyll said...

So cute please count me in Thanks

Wendy Sue said...

oooh, I love this!! :o)

Anonymous said...

What a pretty apron!!!

ohAmanda said...

That's an APRON? How adorable!

Kim said...

Those are lovely please count me in! THX

MTherese said...

I could certainly use an apron, but those are too pretty for me to slop on.

Katy said...

Beautiful!!!! I love it! I would love to win! Please enter me! Thank you so much!

shebaduhkitty said...

that is HOT! great syle

Natalie said...

Ohhh, I LOVE IT!!! How adorable!! Count me in!!

Laura said...

Very cute! I'd love it!

Missy said...

Count me in!

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in !

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest apron I have ever seen. I love it. Thanks for the chance!

Jes@beautyfromchaos said...

That's adorable! and just what I need! please count me in!

Erin said...

This is a cute apron. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest apron ever!

The Roaming Southerner said...

Oh, I would so love a fancy anpron like that!

Anonymous said...

I love this...And I need me a new apron! Thanks for the awesome chance to win one of your beautiful designs!

forcryeye said...

This is incredibly cute! I am not sure if it will cover my chest though...oh, I suppose I am supposed to wear clothes under it...

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

I really need an apron, and this one is soooo cute!

Mrs. C said...

Prior to this one, I only saw one other apron I liked. That's not true anymore...and the fabric is beautiful!

Thank you for including me in this great giveaway!

Jana Nielson said...

That apron is fantastic! I've been wanting to try that pattern! I hope I win!

Happy Mommy said...

That is a really cool apron!

AbbieCRAZY said...

Sign me up! Too cute.....

Candace April said...

Ooo...I love aprons and that one is hot!

please enter me: mamaluxe at gmail dot com

mama2drama said...

that is so absolutely adorable! Thanks for the chance! The pictured one is perfect btw!

Unknown said...

I love aprons!

Sarah Rose said...

What a fabulous apron! I'd love one! And I'd really love to know how to make it!

Dollymama said...

Would you believe that I don't own a single apron? And I really need one. Pick me! :)

Chilihead said...

Crazy cute. I mean, CRAZY. CUTE!

Mama Laura said...

What a classy little apron! I love it!

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous! I would love to win it. :)

Teri H said...

Cute... cute... cute! I love the apron! Please include me in the drawing!

Teri in CO

Anonymous said...

love it! I would love an apron!

Unknown said...

Wow! You're pretty quick. I'd barely hit "publish!"

That apron is adorable. Count me in!


Laurel said...

i would LOVE an apron!!

heidi @ ggip said...

That apron is super cute! I wish I had the know how to make one.

I hope you have fun with the contests!

Anonymous said...

It's sooo cute! Please enter me in.


windycindy said...

Hello, Please enter me in your giveaway for the cute apron! I appreciate it. Thanks,Cindi

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

LilacButterfly [at] earthlink.net

Miscellany Mom said...


Fresh Girl said...

I need an apron, too! :) Please put my name in the hat! My email address is in my profile. :)

Stacey said...

that apron is a MUST HAVE!! so cute! i will be back!

Natalie said...

That is an adorable apron!


zeitersouth said...

I love the apron you have pictured, you have a great talent!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Love the apron!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful apron, the pink stripes sound cute!


Tammy said...

What cute and creative aprons you make :-)

Please enter me!

Tammy ~@~

Andrea said...

can i participate if i'm in canada?

i love aprons!

Rebecca said...

Please enter me! too cute!
rebeccagillespie at gmail.com

Jean said...

I love this, an Elvis print would be really cool, but I love the pink it's almost kinda sassy.

Stephanie said...

Wow, I think that is the cutest apron I have ever seen!!!

Becca said...

Beautiful! I love the fabric of the one you have pictured!

dawn224 said...

I’d love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)

(contact info - dawn at kaiseralex.com)

Anonymous said...

Such a great apron! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Another apron lover here! Count me in. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is the cutest apron I've ever seen! Please include me. My email address (in case I win) can be found on my blog which is linked to here. Thanks!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I love that apron, what a cute style!

Rhetoric (Pragmatic Communication

Sweetpeas said...

I'd love a new apron!

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

momofmhasr said...

very pretty.

Alaina said...

That is a very cute apron - I love the fabric!

Allison said...

This is so cute!

T'aowyn said...

Such a cute apron.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Nice! Please, count me in :)

erin said...

Wow! That apron is awesome! Pick me, pick me!

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!

Christine said...

I so LoVE that apron...Hubby would like it too ;) Please enter me!

Sheila said...

My hubby loves it when I wear an apron! :)

Scarlett said...

This is so gorgeous!

Tia said...

lovely, so cheerful

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of aprons. Sadly though, I have no pretty ones. I am sure my girls and I would be fighting over who would get to wear your beauty!
Thanks for offering it.

Amanda Jayne said...

I love aprons and I would love to be entered!

Bird Stalker Photography said...

I would love that apron! That is so adorable.

Bree said...

OHHH- Please enter me! Thanks!

Jeni said...

I could use a new apron - please count me in!

peg42 said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks for offering it. This apron is so pretty. Thanks.

Shannon said...

What a cute apron...I can just see it now. It's Valentine's Day and I'm serving dinner to dh...and I've got on an apron...and nothing else! lol

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

Someone Being Me said...

I love the apron you pictured above. That is so cute. Please sign me up.

Traumajunky said...

Very cute apron! Sure beats the plain white one I have now. I need to be stylish in the kitchen!

Jewelz said...

OH MY :) I've caught the apron bug. Please count me in. Thanks for your generosity ;)
Cheers Jewelz

Anonymous said...

cute apron! my husband would love it! :)

meddlingkidd said...

Awesome Aprons! Count me in!

Thanks, Jen


Lissete said...

That apron is lovely! Count me in please!

tasha said...

That's beautiful! Count me in, please.

Kellie said...

I love pink! This is so darling.

pamela s said...

How cute!! Count me in please!

Britni said...

I actually love the apron in the picture. Please pick me!!

Anonymous said...

That is not your every day apron! Way cute!

Heather said...

Adorable apron! Love the pink and browns!

Beth said...

Very cute apron! Please enter me in the contest!

Katie said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Brooke said...

Sassy apron for the kitchen! Thanks!

Killlashandra said...

Great apron! My husband keeps telling me I should get one considering I have this habit of spilling things on myself while cooking constantly. ;)

Please sign me up.


Anonymous said...

How snappy and sweet!


byoc said...

My daughter has an apron love, but doesn't have any yet. She keeps entering to win them, and making me post entries on my blog for them, too. LOL Hopefully I can win her won, she will love this one.

Qtpies7 said...

I need an apron, or 8. I have 7 kids, and we are constantly staining our clothes. I am on the hunt, and this one is gorgeous! I bet the boys wouldn't wear it though.

Linda said...

This is too cute!! Pick me, pick me :)

Jenny said...

This apron is too cute! Great colors and way cute design!

Hannah said...

you had me at the mention of Elvis fabric..that would be so awesome...
have a great day!

ashley said...

That's a lovely apron.

Robin said...

That is the cutest darn apron I have ever seen! Please count me in!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Fun contest! Thanks...

Brianne said...

So cute! Count me in.

Taryn said...

great giveaway! thanks!

Team Zachary said...

Oh my - so very cute - you are very, very talented!!!

So very cool - thanks for offering such a great giveaway! That is very generous of you!!! Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

i would love to cook in that...

Lindsey said...

What a great apron!

LadySnow said...

Very cute apron!

Amity said...

What a chich Apron...absolutley fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I lOVE it! Kat

Always Faith said...

aprons rock! enter me please! thanks!

cabesh said...

Now that is one fab apron!

you da mom! said...

fantastic, count me in! your apron is awesome!

A Peek Into My Life said...

What a lovely apron! And I so happen to love aprons! :) Pick me, pick me! :)

Re said...

Great contest! I want to win!!

Anonymous said...

This has to be the most smashing blog give away I have ever seen!

jayedee said...

thank you for this awesome giveaway. please put my name in the hat too! good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

How pretty, I would love to have such a pretty apron. please count me in, Thank you

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Enter me please!

Diane Meyer said...

I love the pick and brown together. Too cute, seriously!

Sarah said...

This just might make me a better cook. YAY! I love the pink and brown.

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

enter me please!


Anonymous said...

Love the apron! monk5@charter.net

Rebecca said...

That would be a huge upgrade for my apron!

ahiltz said...

What an adorable apron! I love it!!!! Thanks so much for doing this!


Sheila said...

Great apron! I'd love to win it!

Teri said...

I could use a beautiful new apron! thanks for the giveaway!

Marcia said...

THat's gorgeous!

Sarah said...

cute apron! why is it called friday night apron?

GustoBones said...

Love that apron! Please sign me up!!!

Emily said...

Beautiful apron! I would love a chance to win!


Little Piddles said...

I would love to enter. Your aprons are beautiful!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

How cute! Please enter me!

Contessa Kris said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. The apron you've already made is beautiful!

Sarah said...

Beautiful aprons!! Unlike more I have seen this one actually flatters the body rather then flatening it.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous apron! I love it. :D

julie.bonner at b5media.com

Liz said...

I love that apron! Count me in!
elisarosehilliard at gmail dot com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Oooh, I love these! Torn between Cami and Priscilla...

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this. Count me in!

Becky said...

Beautiful apron!

maggie said...

Love your apron. Please count me in.

Sarah said...

please add my name to the hat :)

Angela said...

I'd love the pre made one!! Please enter me!!

Momof4 said...

Such adorable aprons! Very hip and modern while still retro chic. I wear an apron every time I cook (which is at least weekly ;-) ). Thanks for the chance to win. I love to see the handmade Bloggy Giveaways the best. :-)

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

The apron in your photo is very pretty!

Hélène said...

Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. Please add my name. If I win, I'd love the one already made - pink and brown are my favorite color combo.

cyndi said...

That pink and brown one in hot I love it. That one would be totally perfect. I will be back--that is the cutest apron!!!

Paisley said...

Great apron! Please sign me up!

The Holtz's said...

Love this apron!! It is gorgeous! Please put me in the drawing.

Char said...

Love the apron you have posted here!! Beautiful!! Might have to wear it all the time!! (Imagine the looks I'll get at church!!)


Anonymous said...

Please enter me. ernestsgirl82@yahoo.com

Carolynn said...

These aprons are cool! I love them:) Thanks for the chance to win them!

heather h said...

Yay aprons, I love it! What a fun giveaway, I'd love to win!

Pearl said...

Thank you… please count me in!

Erin said...

What an awesome apron. Love it!

Ben and April said...

Beautiful apron!!! Thanks!


PS said...

I really want an apron but would never get around to making on this cute!!!

Jen said...

yay, an apron!


GiBee said...

I LOVE that apron! The fabrics are so cute! Do you make it with extra long straps for larger sizes? Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

Michelle@Life with Three said...

I love the colors of the apron you posted. It's terrific. Thanks for the chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Tracy DeLuca said...

Aprons! Love them!

Anonymous said...

very cute, I don't have an apron, but I want one
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Anonymous said...

That's a great apron design! I'd love one!

fizzledink (at) gmail (dot) com

The Mom of 'em said...


Melanie said...

Love this! So cute!

charmed said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com

dev said...

That pink and brown apron is awesome!! Thanks!

goalmom said...

I love the way you've designed this apron!

Anonymous said...

Pretty and sexy! I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love aprons! You can never have too many. Hope I win. -Erica (e_foxhall@yahoo.com)

idyll hands said...

This apron is adorable! Count me in.

Jennwith4 said...

Please add me! I love aprons!

Jendeis said...

Please sign me up - that apron is so pretty!

threelilmnms said...

I'd love to win your apron! I'd love one similar to the one shown. Thank you for hosting this special giveaway! Leinani

Anonymous said...

cute apron

Marla H. said...

Pick me! mhode79ATgamilDOTcom

Amy said...

I love aprons! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Love the apron!!! Very cute!


vicvic said...

That is fabulous!

Sahm Lee said...

Enter me please!

Ginny said...

I want an apron, would love to win!

Rebecca said...

What a great apron. Count me in, please. Thanks.

Angela S said...

That apron is hot! I love the patterns, its fun and exciting. Thank you for offering.

Marly said...

Sign me up, please!

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Oh, how I love this! Thank you so much!

Liz said...

All your aprons are so cute! I love them.

Bonnie O. said...

I love aprons and the one in the picture is adorable!

Jenna Z said...

Aaah! So saucy! Lovely!

Katie said...

Very cute. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

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